There is always a reason for everything

April 28th, 2007 by wisdom-to-share
I had a dream to be in stage to perform, I might be a comedian or dancer. The first dream I had in my life when I was a teenager. I thought to have a dream was something that I could make it true. Unfortunately I had to leave my dream as a dream. I could not reach it.
One day in my life I did a test of my talents; I was surprised to read what I might be;
social worker (teacher, nurse, etc)
I thought the test could be wrong. Since I couldn’t reach my first dream, I turned to study accounting. When I graduated from university, I thought I could work in a bank or company. There was an offer to teach Accounting for high school students. Okay I took that job. Then the most important moment in my life came, I got marriage. I dedicate my life for my two sweet girls. The best job that I always love, I never regret that I dedicate my time to be with the girls so much. While my friends told me that I wasted my ability and my bachelor degree just to be a stay home mom. I am willingly to stay home with the girls, to see how they grow, to read them stories, to play with them, cook for them and share all knowledge and wisdom I have. That was extraordinary experiences for me.
I know that I never have a reward or any recognition as career women. The greatest award that I have as a mom when my girls give me hugs and they tell me that they love me. That is the greatest award ever.
Now I have two girls who can sing, play piano, drawing. They make me proud as a mom each time they get award for their excellent achievement in academic and art. Every time they perform and stand on the stage to get their awards. I see my dream in their eyes. I see their dreams too. I am proud to be their mom; I thank God for the blessings that HE gives to me thru the girls.
Looking back thru all of that … I told myself there is always a reason for everything, even though sometimes I can not understand or get it right. The reason is always there.


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