Table topic 1: Never… never give up

It was Tuesday; I used to come to Plaza Senayan for public speaking meeting there. Part of the public speaking is a table topic session. My friend Vina Tan leaded the session and she asked many questions which one of her question was “Never… never give up” I was about to answer that but I already had a role as General Evaluator, so it was better to give the chance to others. Anyway my mind kept thinking about the question and I really want to write the answer here in my blogs.
Never… never give up! I like that statement a lot. Once in my life I was about to give up my project for Advance communicator Bronze in Toastmaster International. I thought I picked a wrong manual. I couldn’t find any idea to write about the project and I didn’t know how to finish the manual. I was about to change my manual with another manual. I looked back and fort the manual and I thought over and over again. Actually it was simple thing to decide, I could change the manual without any problem but something bothered my mind. The manual has five projects to finish, I did one project already and I got the best prepared speaker for that project. In my mind there were many questions… did I really want to give the manual up. Did I do my best to do the other projects? Did I really want to give up the one project which I had done already?
It was easy to say,” I give up” it was a common thing in our life. On that stage I made a decision to continue my manual. I was struggle with the projects but I found a great friend who was willing to be my partner in my project. His name is Wahyu, I always call him “Why you” He helped me with my “Radio Talk show” project, he became my interviewer. That was great time to know someone was there to help me. At the beginning I thought it would be difficult to do my projects with partner. When I came to practice with Wahyu, I realized that my mind saw it would be many problems to have someone as my partner but actually only my mind created the situation. In reality if we want to try harder nothing impossible. My works not always come out with the best result but at least I become a better person with a better attitude in life.
Now base on that experience, every time my mind says “Give up” I will insist to tell my mind back “Never” In life we pass every situation without pay enough attention about our obstacles in our life. The obstacle is actually bigger in our mind than outside our mind. It is true the saying “Our biggest enemy is ourselves”
One day at school while I was waiting my students to finish their test, there were three students who suddenly returned their test papers and they said with innocent faces, “Miss, I give up” I was sad to see how young generation was easily giving up. I said to myself, “It is easy to give up but it will never easy to keep the persistence in doing something in the future”
If we just want only want to have easy life, happy life and we like to avoid obstacle instead of facing it with our best ability. We can join the hedonism group. Anyway… life has obstacles and problems, no matter who you are and where you are! The best choice that we can say to ourselves, “Never give up. Set your mind to see the obstacles in life as challenges. Never give up; we can always do our best in life to pass that time with a great attitude”

**Lina Kartasasmita** 7.02PM 10 February 2010


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