
Showing posts from 2009

Lukisan tanpa cahaya

Bagaimana mengajarkan nilai kecantikan kepada seorang remaja putri merupakan tantangan bagi saya. Menjalanin profesi sebagai seorang guru kadang tidak menempatkan kita hanya untuk mengajarkan mata pelajaran yang kita kuasai. Menjadi guru membuat kita harus mampu menjadi sahabat bagi anak didik kita. Suatu hari, duduk dihadapan saya seorang remaja putri yang cantik, manis dan cukup pandai di kelasnya. Tapi ada kemurungan diwajahnya. Saya bertanya,”Kenapa kamu kog sedih sekali? ” Dia mulai bercerita dengan mata berkaca-kaca,”Saya tidak tahu apa salah saya bu, tapi teman-teman tidak suka dengan saya” Kebiasaan saya untuk tidak segera menjawab setiap pertanyaan, karena saya tidak mau memberikan jawaban yang asal-asalan. Saya selalu ingat pesan seorang kepala sekolah yang saya hormati, beliau menasehati saya “Kalau jadi guru hati-hati karena kamu tidak hanya mendidik seorang anak, tapi juga keturunannya” Mengingat pesan itu membuat saya selalu berhati-hati. Berupaya mencari akar persoal...

Good mom and wife

Thoroughly to teach another is the best way to learn for yourself. - Tryon Adams Early in the morning I got message from one of friends. He sent me a Bible verse about blessing. I started to reply his message, and then came up the question from him. “Lin, do you know the verse about a good wife?” I replied,” Sure it said in Proverbs 31:10- 31” He asked me to send him the verses. So I typed all … 10 [c] a wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 13 She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. 15 She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. 16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17 She sets ab...


On every Friday, I always get SMS said “TGIF” It is common thing TGIF means Thanks God it is Friday. I love it that someone always reminds me that day is Friday. Maybe she always thinks I am old enough to remember day. Of course I am getting older every day not only on Friday  I always say to myself that everyday is a special day, God has created for us. God always gives us a same time everyday to cherish and to enjoy. God gives us the same opportunities everyday to do good things in life or just to carve memories in our life. This opinion stays in my mind and it helps me to make everyday is an enjoyable day. One afternoon I met Head department of English teacher, he definitely knew my schedule I have to teach since 7 AM to 1.55 PM. When we bumped each other I smiled and said “Hi… “He said to me,” I notice that you are always full in spirit and happy all the day long. What the secret” I was surprised with that question and I answered,” First I think life is hard and why we should make...


Berada di tengah anak-anak kelas 3 sekolah dasar, memberikan gambaran ketika saya kecil dahulu. Beberapa anak tampak sibuk sendiri dengan kotak pinsilnya, ada yang sibuk membaca dan ada yang berbincang-bincang dengan teman-temannya. Ketika guru yang mengajar memulai pelajaran, anak-anak memusatkan perhatiannya ke ibu guru yang berdiri di depan kelas. Saya berada di dalam ruangan kelas untuk melakukan observasi proses belajar dan mengajar di kelas tersebut, duduk mengamati selama 40 menit, saya menuliskan beberapa hal di catatan saya. Sekali-kali saya melayangkan pandangan saya ke murid-murid. Terlihat ada anak yang aktif bertanya, ada yang pasif dan ada yang menghindar dari segala bentuk pertanyaaan. Seusai jam pelajaran, saya hendak beranjak keluar kelas, seorang anak perempuan menghampiri saya, dengan membawa selembar kertas sobekan dari buku tulisnya. Dia menyodorkan kepada saya kertas itu. Saya bertanya,”Untuk saya” Dia hanya tersenyum dan menaruhnya di tangan saya, lalu berlari k...

Happiness without “If”

There are so common when we say, “I am happy if I have…… “ “I am happy if you …..” “I am happy if ………… “ Many years we learn to say it in our life, without realized that we create condition to be happy. We always say “If…” Actually when we say “If …” we are still chasing our happiness. We procrastinate to feel happy. We just deny the feeling. We are failing to see the blessings which we already have in life. Is that possible for us to say,” I am happy I have wonderful life, I am happy I am healthy, I am happy that you are my friend, I am happy now” Why do we need to postpone our happiness? We have the right to enjoy our life now. The future is not ours! Let’s enjoy the happiness now. The quotation says: Happiness depends upon ourselves. Aristotle Greek critic, philosopher, physicist, & zoologist (384 BC - 322 BC) Happiness will not depend on the condition in the future. Happiness depends on us. The feeling of acceptance the condition: the ability to see the bright side of life a...

Persistence in life

That which we persist in doing becomes easier, not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved. Ralph Waldo Emerson US essayist & poet (1803 - 1882) It was 2003, inspired by the movie Kuch Kuch Hota Hai; I started to write every thing about my experience with my daughters. As in the movie the mother prepared to leave letters for her daughter before she died and shared her thoughts. I think my writings will be the great heritage for my daughters in their future when they become mothers. Sometimes the good statements or the beautiful phases are gone with the wind if we cannot keep it. For that reason I started to write in by blogs in 2005. I chose the title of my blogs “Wisdom to share” ( That is one of the reasons I want to write. I want to share “Something small, something simple can be the inspiration of wisdom” I persist to write again and again with my broken English. It is not easy for me to motiv...

The privilege of doing something

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it. Albert Schweitzer French philosopher & physician (1875 - 1965) That was just an ordinary day, I got short message in my cell phone from an unknown numbers. The message was simple,” Ms. could you online I need help” I believed that was from my students somewhere. I still remembered that I promised all my students that they can just send me e-mail or they can chat with me if they need any help. I replied,” Sure I will be online” One of my friends always gave comment if I spend more time for my students. He said,” You didn’t get anything Lina, why you want to do it? “People counts time as money. I count time as an opportunity. I always see that time equals the opportunities to share and to pass the blessing. I spent time to read e-mail and to chat online teaching Accounting. Deep in my heart I saw great attitude of ...

Keroncong Music

One day I stepped into a room and I was surprised that I heard the Keroncong music from the small CD player at the back of the table. I asked, “Who likes Keroncong music?” A young man said,” I do like Keroncong” Keroncong music is part of my life; it always reminds me of my dad. He was a Keroncong lover. I used to listen to Keroncong music with him a long the way in the car or at home. Surrounded with Keroncong music since I was born, perhaps built the feeling of love to hear the music. It was uncommon for my friend in high school when they asked me about Michael Jackson’s songs or other musician; I didn’t know how to sing the songs. In the other hand I could sing Keroncong songs very well and I remember the entire lyric. My friends were shocked to know that I love Keroncong. They said,”Lina… which generation did you come from? Keroncong is the music for elderly people” I know it was kind of rare situation I love something which came from my dad’s generation. I think Keroncong is uni...

Cintai dirimu sebelum orang lain mencintaimu

Masih ingat waktu kecil ada lagu.” Bukan yang congkak, bukan yang sombong yang disayangi handai dan taulan…” Lagu di jaman Taman Kanak-kanak itu menjadi lagu yang mengajarkan kita bahwa kita tidak boleh sombong agar disayangin orang. Jaman sekarang istilah sombong sudah jarang didengar, kita lebih sering mendengar “ wah narsis tuh” Tapi bagaimana ya walaupun tidak sombong kita juga tidak disayangin orang? Rasanya menarik juga membahas hal ini. Waktu kecil, kalau ayah saya memuji saya,” Wah anak saya ini rajin belajarnya” Saya langsung mengatakan, ” Iya donk” Tapi sering yang muncul tanggapan orang,” Air laut tuh siapa yang garamin” (mohon dibaca: ini anak menyombongkan diri sendiri) Dengan polos dan lugu saya menjawab sesuai dengan buku cerita yang banyak saya baca,” Lumpang ajaib” Kadangkala kita seringkali dihadapkan pada pilihan mengakui bahwa kita memang luar biasa atau kita menghitung diri kita sebagai orang biasa-biasa aja. Atau bahkan sering kita jadi rendah diri karena di l...

Kesempatan yang berharga

Suatu hari saya mengunjungi rumah duka, ditempat orang menangisi suatu perpisahan yang abadi. Sebenarnya apa yang memicu kesedihan itu? Sering menjadi perenungan saya, baik orang kaya ataupun orang miskin, tua atau muda, yang ada hanyalah kesedihan. Apa sih yang membuat kita berduka ketika kehilangan orang yang kita kasihi? Apakah perpisahan itu sendiri? Atau ketika kita tahu kita tak lagi bersama mereka dan hanya kenangan yang tersisa? Jawabannya menjadi beragam. Mengamati orang-orang di rumah duka selalu saja menarik perhatian saya. Suatu waktu saya mendengar orang berbicara tentang kenangan-kenangan yang tak terlupakan dengan orang yang telah meninggal dunia, atau cerita tentang bagaimana mereka menghabiskan waktu untuk merawat sebelum Tuhan memanggilnya. Tapi ada yang paling menarik adalah ketika orang menyatakan betapa menyesalnya karena belum melakukan ini dan waktu itu telah berakhir, sepertinya banyak pekerjaan yang belum terselesaikan, banyak kenangan yang harusnya masih dapa...

Sisi positif dari rasa tersisih

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Teresa Marshanda stress, berita itu muncul di mana-mana. Banyak komentar seputar artis cantik dan muda belia ini. Saya menyempatkan diri untuk melihat video Marshanda, bukan untuk mencari gossip tapi saya prihatin dengan Marshanda. Dalam video tersebut Marshanda menyebutkan dia mempunyai masalah di sekolahnya dengan teman-temannya. Tepatnya seperti apa yang dialami Marshanda secara detail saya tidak tahu, tapi saya pun memiliki pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan seperti yang dialami Marshanda. Sekolah yang seharusnya menjadi tempat kita mencari teman kadang tidak selalu menjadi tempat yang menyenangkan Saya terlahir dari pasangan keturunan Tionghoa yang telah turun menurun tinggal di Indonesia, sejak lahir rambut saya berwarna merah kecoklatan dan bola mata saya berwarna coklat. Warna rambut dan mata saya menjadi tidak lazim bagi sebagian orang. Jelas saya sangat berbeda ketika berada diantara teman-teman. Disekolah banyak s...

Pelajaran Berharga dari Seorang Ayah

“In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” ~ Mother Teresa Tanggal 15 September 1995, ketika saya terkejut mendengar berita bahwa ayah saya meninggal dunia di Innsbruck, Austria. Itu adalah perjalanan terakhir ayah saya. Dia sebenarnya mempunyai banyak rencana untuk berpergian dengan saya. Saya bertanya kepada Tuhan, “Kenapa Tuhan? Saya masih membutuhkan ayah saya, saya masih ingin mendengar ceritanya, dan saya masih membutuhkan cintakasihnya….” Saya berupaya memahami itu adalah kehendak Tuhan. Dan, saya berusaha menerima bahwa ada rencana Tuhan yang indah di balik kepahitan itu. Tetapi, hati saya terus menyangkal bahwa ayah saya sudah pergi. Ketika saya meratapi kepergian ayah saya, sebenarnya saya mendapatkan pelajaran yang bijak dari ayah saya. Ketika orang-orang mendatangi rumah duka, saya mendengar orang-orang membicarakan ayah saya. Suatu cerita sederhana yang tidak akan saya lupakan. Saya melihat ada banyak kue di saat acara pemakaman....

Menjadi busur bagi anak-anak kita

Anak-anakmu bukanlah anak-anakmu Mereka adalah anak-anak kehidupan yang rindu akan dirinya sendiri Mereka dilahirkan melalui engkau tapi bukan darimu Meskipun mereka ada bersamamu tapi mereka bukan milikmu Pada mereka engkau dapat memberikan cintamu, tapi bukan fikiranmu Karena mereka memiliki fikiran mereka sendiri Engkau bisa merumahkan tubuh-tubh mereka, tapi bukan jiwa mereka Karena jiwa-jiwa itu tinggal di rumah hari esok, yang tak pernah dapat engkau kunjungi meskipun dalam mimpi Engkau bisa menjadi seperti mereka, tapi jangan coba menjadikan mereka sepertimu Karena hidup tidak berjalan mundur dan tidak pula berada di masa lalu Engkau adalah busur-busur tempat anakmu menjadi anak-anak panah yang hidup di luncurkan Sang pemanah telah membidik arah keabadian, dan ia merenggangkanmu dengan kekuatannya, sehingga anak-anak panah itu dapat meluncur dengan cepat dan jauh Jadikanlah tarikan tangan sang pemanah itu sebagai kegembiraan Sebab ketika ia mencintai anak-anak panah yang terbang...

The letter from God

Dear my lovely child, Right now, you probably ask where I am. I am here with you inside you. I feel what you feel; I am with you all the time in the good time or bad time. I walk together with you in every single step you take Don’t worry my child, I never leave you alone You are so precious for me You are unique and special I promise to be with you all the time For many reasons, I have to let something happen in your life You will be in the dark side of your life but … Like the colors of the rainbow, your life will be the same Your life might be full of joy or sadness, It might be happy or angry, love or hate If you can only see one color in your life It will be hard for you to see the beauty of the rainbow The colors of your life will teach you to be a better person Each problem you have in life, it makes you stronger and stronger If you look the rainbow with all the colors you will see the beauty of life Dark or bright, red, yellow or blue in your life … You are always in MY hand. M...

Teaching is a gift and leaning is a skill

"In the Western tradition, we have focused on teaching as a skill and forgotten what Socrates knew: teaching is a gift, learning is a skill." — Peter Drucker 1985, Fresh graduate from senior high school I was offered to teach in class as substitute teacher in junior high school for two weeks. I felt that experiences opened my mind about teenagers. I saw they struggled as teenagers, how they had to manage their life, how they had to face their generation gap with their parents, or how they had to accept the reality of life. After two weeks, I decided to continue to teach. I love to teach and I end up as teacher. I think I was called to be a teacher. During my era or even now, being a teacher is not a popular job. I don’t know how to describe my feeling that I really love to teach and I think teaching is part of passing my blessings. I care about my students not only their ability of study but most of the time I also care about their problems and their personality. One day my ...

The power of Attitude

Today I came to one office which I should meet someone. I don’t know what is going on behind the scene of that place. Honestly I saw securities and receptionist didn’t smile or greet people with a nice voice. I had unpleasant impression of their attitude. Deeply thinking about unhappy and unpleasant faces in that situation, I couldn’t judge them by their appearance. Anyway it was an indicator of attitude problems. My imagination went far away beyond my sight. Probably they didn’t know how they should treat people; they have family problem or health problem. But I couldn’t guess what they have in their mind. Those are my creative reason to accept that unpleasant experience with them. I kept telling myself that was common in our life. We bring our problems into our workplace. Nothing wrong about that, but if the situation influences our attitude in working or treating people around. We just spread a bad atmosphere in the workplace. I believe each of us has problems in our life, in the ot...

Yang tersirat dari sebuah cerita film KING

Saya teringat ketika belajar bahasa Indonesia diminta untuk membahas apa yang tersirat dan tersurat atau tertulis dari suatu karangan atau karya penulisan. Ternyata pelajaran itu tertanan dalam-dalam di pikiran saya. Biasanya kita hanya membaca yang tertulis tanpa memahami apa yang tersirat di dalam tulisan tersebut. Hal itu pula yang membuat kita salah arti atau bahkan tidak mampu menyerap pesan-pesan dari seorang pengarang. Dua hari lalu saya mendapat kesempatan menonton film hasil karya anak bangsa sendiri yaitu film King. Bagi yang telah menyaksikan film tersebut tentu telah mengetahui jalan cerita film itu. Ketika saya menonton film tersebut, duduk disamping saya seorang ayah dan dua orang anak remajanya. Ketika film berlangsung sang ayah sibuk menceritakan bagaimana jalan kisah film tersebut. Ach… ingin saya marah rasanya karena komentarnya telah mengganggu konsentrasi saya. Tapi saya sadar tidak perlu berdebat dengan orang yang tidak saya kenal. Ayah tersebut tidak mengetahui ...

Passing a blessing

Sometimes in our life, we take our blessings for granted. We only judge everything as far as our eyes can see. We don’t have time to measure the intangible value of life. We like to count our tangible asset or we like to judge people by their appearance. Nothing wrong about it, it is a common thing in this world. We follow the crowd. One day I learn something from my dad. He was 60 years old and he started a new firm. My brother told that would be the bad business for my dad because he opened the service law firm for poor people. My dad never had a formal education, he never went to school. He was an autodidact person. He was smart and he had an excellent knowledge in law. Since he had no formal education in law my brother started to worry about our dad’s decision. My brother didn’t want to talk to our dad and he suggested me to talk to our dad. My brother thought I am the only daughter so my voice would be heard. I arranged a good time to talk to my dad. When I mentioned my concern a...

Lebih cepat lebih baik

Motto “Lebih cepat lebih baik” terdengar di mana-mana sekarang ini karena adanya kampanye pemilihan presiden. Sebagai orang tua saya sempat tergelitik dengan motto ini. Beberapa tahun lalu dan bahkan sampai sekarang ini adanya penawaran jalur pendidikan yang lebih singkat melalui program akselerasi atau program foundation dari college. Sebagai orang tua dari dua orang anak saya sempat tergoda untuk memasukkan anak saya ke program sekolah akselerasi. Perhitungan bahwa anak-anak akan lebih cepat meraih gelarnya, menyelesaikan sekolah di usia muda dan perhitungan biaya pendidikan yang dapat dihemat. Saya sempat membicarakan hal ini dengan keluarga dan berdiskusi dengan anak-anak saya. Sepertinya Lebih cepat lebih baik itu menjadi prioritas pertimbangan kami. Perjalanan hidup ini memang aneh, campur tangan Tuhan tidak dapat dielakkan dalam kehidupan. Saat saya siap untuk memasukkan anak-anak ke program akselerasi, suami saya mendapat tugas ke luar negeri, sehingga anak-anak harus mengikut...

The last lesson from my dad

It was September 15, 1995 when I was shocked to hear the news that my dad passed away in Innsbruck, Austria. It was my dad’s last travel. He actually still had many plans to travel with me. I asked God,” Why God? I still need him as my dad. I still want to hear his story and I still need his love around me” I tried to understand there was God’s will and I tried to accept there would be a beautiful plan from God behind that bitterness. That was the hardest things in my life. My heart kept denying that my dad has gone. While I grieved about my dad, I actually found a great wisdom from my dad. People who came to his funeral brought stories about my dad. Simple story I would never forget there was a lot of cake during the funeral ceremony and I didn’t order for that kind of cake. I asked around who bought those cakes. None from my family ordered those cakes. I thought there was a mistake. I was about to return those cakes. A simple old woman came and said in her teary eyes, “Those cakes ar...

Selagi masih ada waktu

Kematian Michael Jackson yang mendadak, mengejutkan dunia dan seolah-olah waktu terhenti sejenak. Berita seputar kenangan Michael Jackson yang terus menerus seolah ingin membangkitkan kembali kehidupan Michael di hati pengemarnya. Ungkapan kesedihan yang tak rela melepaskan kepergian Michael Jackson seakan berkata Michael terlalu muda untuk meninggalkan dunia, Michael seharusnya masih mampu berkarya bagi dunia yang ditinggalkannya. Semua itu terhenti karena waktu. Seringkali kita merasa terkejut atas kehilangan mendadak, suatu tokoh setenar Michael Jackson. Beberapa tahun lalu dunia pun gempar ketika Lady Diana meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil. Berita itu menjadi buah bibir setiap orang. Sesungguhnya siapapun di antara kita akan pergi meninggalkan semua yang kita miliki. Waktu yang tidak kita ketahui itu akan datang. Dan dalam hidup orang tidak menyadari betapa berharganya waktu. Kadangkala kita membaca ungkapan, seandainya waktu dapat di putar kembali, seandainya masih ada waktu. Sean...

The birthday note and prayer for Devita Gunawan on June 22, 2009

Dear Devita, I would like to say “Happy birthday to you my dear cute baby”. It was 16 years ago when I knew that God gave me a second chance to have a baby. I was extremely happy to have you. Your sister fills my life with happiness and you are the one who complete my happiness. Having you is a great blessing ever. Every time I see your brown eyes, I see myself in you. I love you so badly. I count every single step you make. Your smile is cute and your eyes always show your heart. It is hard to believe you are taller than me now. In my mind you are still as small as you were. I always like to hug you and hold you. I wish I could always do it for the rest of my life. We passed 16 years together; you always make me proud as your mom. You have a positive attitude; you have a great responsibility toward your life and you have a big heart to learn about wisdom. Sometimes we argue about life, sometimes we argue about anything. I try to be a good mom for you, I try to teach you about life… o...

The tips and trick A Mom without maid and baby sitter

One day, I got email from friends who are younger than me; they asked me the tips and trick to be a mom without any help from baby sitter or maid at home. I am honored to have this opportunity. I rewrite this again for all of you. First of all I am idealist person in raising my children. I am a person to see a big picture of life. I had a discussion before I got married how I wanted to raise my children. The most important thing my husband and I have the same vision and mission in this issue. I decided to take care of my children without any help from baby sitter or maids. That isn’t a trend for people in Jakarta. Most of my friends have one baby sitter for each of their children. It was hard when I have to stand for the sake of my ideal thought. Some people seemed against me. Some of my friends told me,” You are so stupid with your education background you can earn more money than just being a full time housewife” Some said,” You are silly to spend your time for doing something which ...

It is not about MONEY

It was about 8.30 AM when I got a phone call. On that day I had to teach and I was preparing myself before I left my house. The phone call was from my neighbor, she was the one who came to me about a month ago and she asked my advice for her son’s education. I already shared in my notes “Like No Other”. She was happily telling me about her son progress. She said that after a long discussion with me, she followed my advice to bring her son to see a doctor. And she found out that her son has a problem with electricity in his brain and it can cause difficulties in his learning ability. I was so happy to hear that she finally found out the truth of her son’s problem and I have a great hope that she can be the better parent who can support and make a right decision for her son. She said she was happy too but she also started to mention that the treatment for her son was expensive. She worried it would be worthless. It bothered me a lot. I told her,” This is about your son, which probably th...

Sebuah renungan antara Madu dan Racun

Hari Rabu 20 Mei 2009 langit Jakarta tertutup awan kelabu, seolah-olah sedih menyaksikan waktu yang terbuang di tengah kemacetan di jalan tol Kebun Jeruk. Aku termenung di belakang kemudi, pikiran ku melayang-layang, karena jalanan begitu padat merayap. Ditemanin permainan gitar Jubing Kristanto, kuberupaya menikmati kepadatan kota Jakarta. Hujan mulai turun rintik-rintik seperti tak sanggup lagi menunggu ku sampai ketempat tujuan. Terpaku aku mendengar instrumental lagu Madu dan Racun yang pernah popular di tahun 85. Ketika jaman itu aku masih duduk di bangku kuliah. Lagu berirama ceria itu membuat pikiranku berfantasi, kaki ku bergerak seolah berjoget mengikuti irama yang mengasikkan. Tak hanya hatiku sedikit terhibur mendengar lagu itu, tapi pikiranku juga terinspirasi dengan lagu yang lama tak terdengar lagi. Madu dan Racun, lagu yang bersyair: Engkau yang cantik, engkau yang manis Engkau yang manja Selalu tersipu, rawan sikapmu dibalik kemelut Di remang kabutmu di tabir mega-megam...

A birthday prayer for Devina Kristianti Gunawan

We thank God for giving us, you in our life We praise God because of you It has been 17 years ago It seems just yesterday We have fallen in love with you when the first time … We could touch your face and your small hands We love you more and more day by day We always want to do our best for you You give us an honor position to be your mom and dad You make us proud with all talents you have We have watched you change and grow We still remember your first step Your first words, your first song, and your first smile We keep each of detail memories we have about you and We will always do … collecting memories with you Every moments of your life we love as part of our life We love to be with you, hand in hand together to accompany you But there is a time when we can not be with you There is a time only our prayer and love can be with you Today we couldn’t bring Andrea Bocelli to sing "Amapola" or "Because we believe" for you But for sure we want you to have unforgettabl...

The risible experience part 3 Nice punishment

That day as usual all students had regular class and I was so relax in my office thinking everything went well and that day would soon ended. Suddenly I heard a very loud voice up stair. I called someone to figure out what was going on there. He went to find out. He went back bringing four students. He said,” Ibu, these boys are the trouble makers in the class, they pretended as drummers and they played in the class using tables.” Discipline the students is not an easy job. I asked for opinion from the students,” what do you think the best punishment for you?” They started to give me their opinion. One boy said,” Ibu if you want to punish us it is okay we can do push up” The second boy quickly said,” Please I can not do push up bu, can you change the punishment to other thing such as running” The others also gave their opinion and they also argued among them what the nice punishment for them. I found the crazy idea. I remember the one of the cigarette advertising when some boys play th...

My best friend, my husband

You are the one who can see beyond my appearance You are the one who trusts me You are the one who always supports me You are the one who believes in my dreams You are the one from many friends I have The only one in my life, whom I love and trust The one who always holds my hands and walks besides me The one who always lends the shoulder to cry on You are my best friend who listens to my heart You are always with me thru any situation in my life. You are my best friend and I am blessed that you are my husband Jakarta, May 17, 2009, at 8.27PM **Lina Kartasasmita**

Saat ini

Tak kutunggu mentari menjelang Tak kulari dari kenyataan Hidup ini hanya sementara Kenapa harus kugusarkan Perjalanan panjang yang tak dapat kuramalkan Detik demi detik Hari demi hari Tetap berlalu tanpa henti Bukan aku tak perduli hari esok Yang pasti aku hidup hari ini Kadang kulupa detik ku berdiri Hari ini, hidup ini sekarang ini Apa yang dapat kuberikan Kepada orang orang tercinta Hanya cinta dan cinta saja Jakarta, May 16, 2009, at 10.20 PM **Lina Kartasasmita**

Berita yang perlu direnungkan

Era 80 an lagu “ Berita Kepada Kawan” balada yang disampaikan oleh Ebiet G. Ade terdengar di mana-nama. Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan, sayang engkau tak duduk di sampingku kawan Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan… ………… Sesampainya di laut kukabarkna semuanya Kepada karang, kepada ombak kepada matahari ……….. Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan, melihat tingkah kita Yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa dosa…. …… Coba kita bertanya kepada rumput yang bergoyang. Jelas lagu tersebut menceritakan balada suatu perjalanan yang menyedihkan, menceritakan kerusakan lingkungan. Semua itu diungkapkan dalam suatu lagu yang puitis dan bermakna sebagai pesan untuk menjaga lingkungan. Sesuatu yang wajar bila kita mempunyai kawan, kita ingin berbagi cerita, berbagi duka dan nestapa. Saat ini aku merenungkan apa yang umum terjadi dalam kehidupan kita bilamana ada suatu kisah tentang seorang kawan, yang justru terjadi adalah kita mencoba menyampaikan berita itu kepada kawan-kawan yang lain. Be...

The risible experience part 2 My Bollywood student

He was actually a charming boy among other students. He always could attract people attention with his body movement, no wonder he is from India. Every time I looked at him I just thought I had one Bollywood actor in the class room. It was my first year to be a principal. And he was the third grader high school student. Third grade in high school is always the critical year for student. It is about the Last National examination. Teachers need to teach harder to make sure the students can meet the expectation grade. I faced the biggest problems when all the teachers came to me and said they wanted to quit teaching for the third grade student. I couldn’t accept that before I knew the reason. The teachers started to complain about the uncooperative students. I thought the teachers needed motivation so I told them to change their paradigm of teaching. Giving the teachers example how to handle the classroom and how to deal with difficult students. I asked them to find the root of the proble...

The risible experience part 1 “Lost in Tokyo”

It was June 2004, when my daughters and I visited Tokyo for a week. I was proud that I have visited Tokyo for many times before. Travelling with my lovely children I wanted to make them impress of their mom’s ability of planning and organizing the trip. I arranged the schedule and printed all information about the places we wanted to see. Internet played a big help during preparation. I found the website about the transportation system in Japan especially for train and surprised that website using English language. I used to have language problem every time I visited Japan, because the lack of English language there. Anyway Japanese people are famous as a very helpful people and they are very nice to foreigners. Sometimes I just used body language in communication. On that day I planned to bring my children to Tokyo Disneyland. We went by bus from my auntie’s apartment to the train station and I bought train ticket by showing the train schedule which has been printed in a piece of pape...

Sang pujangga

Tak terlintas dalam mimpiku Untuk jadi seorang pujangga Hasrat ku berbagi kata kata yang terangkai Atau cerita untuk di renungkan Adalah suatu luapan kasih Banyak hal kecil dan manis dalam hidup Lenyap tanpa kenangan Terlupakan dan terabaikan Ada pesan dalam suatu kisah Ada amanat dalam cerita Semua terbuang sia-sia Siapa pula yang ingin menyimpan kenangan Siapa pula yang mencatat keindahan Siapa lagi yang meneruskan cerita kehidupan Tak perlu jadi pujangga.. Tak perlu terkenal untuk berbagi Yang di perlukan hanya hati yang perduli Karya demi karya hanyalah sekumpulan kata-kata indah Yang hanya bermakna bila di renungkan Jakarta, May 13, 2009, at 7.05 PM (**Lina Kartasasmita**)

Lesson from my student

It was an ordinary day; I sat in my office ready to start working on my schedule. I was about to write something when I heard one of my student greeted me and he said,” Can I talk with you?” I looked at him and answered,” Sure” He was one of my students, he said,”Ibu, how is my talent test?” I said,”Let me see the result first” I started to open the personality and talent test results and I looked at his result. “Well, your result is you are strong in Social study, according to this you will be in Social study class” He looked at me and his face was sad. He started to ask some questions “Ibu is that possible for me to be in science class?” I said to him,” You can do it but you have to work and study harder to be the best there. You are smart enough to be there but your strength is social study” He looked at me,” Ibu, do you know that parents always think science class is better than social study class?” I said “I know that and I realize that wrong image has been build for many years. T...

Mom’s love

Start in the beginning of life Mom’s voice was the first voice whispering in our ears Mom’s heartbeat was the first thing keeping us warm inside her body Mom’s hands were the first hands which touch Mom’s feeling was the first lesson, learning about love, happiness and sadness Mom’s is a human, she is an ordinary person, she made mistake. But Mom... she is willing to share her best time with us, she will stay for us, her hands are always ready to give us hug or just to hold our hand. Mom... is an ordinary person with a great love to her children. Mom doesn’t need any reason to love. Being a Mom is a never ending job. Once you become a mom you will always be a mom. For every mother in this world HAPPY MOTHER DAY May 10, 2009 PROUD TO BE A MOM! Jakarta December 21, 2008