
Showing posts from May, 2009

The tips and trick A Mom without maid and baby sitter

One day, I got email from friends who are younger than me; they asked me the tips and trick to be a mom without any help from baby sitter or maid at home. I am honored to have this opportunity. I rewrite this again for all of you. First of all I am idealist person in raising my children. I am a person to see a big picture of life. I had a discussion before I got married how I wanted to raise my children. The most important thing my husband and I have the same vision and mission in this issue. I decided to take care of my children without any help from baby sitter or maids. That isn’t a trend for people in Jakarta. Most of my friends have one baby sitter for each of their children. It was hard when I have to stand for the sake of my ideal thought. Some people seemed against me. Some of my friends told me,” You are so stupid with your education background you can earn more money than just being a full time housewife” Some said,” You are silly to spend your time for doing something which ...

It is not about MONEY

It was about 8.30 AM when I got a phone call. On that day I had to teach and I was preparing myself before I left my house. The phone call was from my neighbor, she was the one who came to me about a month ago and she asked my advice for her son’s education. I already shared in my notes “Like No Other”. She was happily telling me about her son progress. She said that after a long discussion with me, she followed my advice to bring her son to see a doctor. And she found out that her son has a problem with electricity in his brain and it can cause difficulties in his learning ability. I was so happy to hear that she finally found out the truth of her son’s problem and I have a great hope that she can be the better parent who can support and make a right decision for her son. She said she was happy too but she also started to mention that the treatment for her son was expensive. She worried it would be worthless. It bothered me a lot. I told her,” This is about your son, which probably th...

Sebuah renungan antara Madu dan Racun

Hari Rabu 20 Mei 2009 langit Jakarta tertutup awan kelabu, seolah-olah sedih menyaksikan waktu yang terbuang di tengah kemacetan di jalan tol Kebun Jeruk. Aku termenung di belakang kemudi, pikiran ku melayang-layang, karena jalanan begitu padat merayap. Ditemanin permainan gitar Jubing Kristanto, kuberupaya menikmati kepadatan kota Jakarta. Hujan mulai turun rintik-rintik seperti tak sanggup lagi menunggu ku sampai ketempat tujuan. Terpaku aku mendengar instrumental lagu Madu dan Racun yang pernah popular di tahun 85. Ketika jaman itu aku masih duduk di bangku kuliah. Lagu berirama ceria itu membuat pikiranku berfantasi, kaki ku bergerak seolah berjoget mengikuti irama yang mengasikkan. Tak hanya hatiku sedikit terhibur mendengar lagu itu, tapi pikiranku juga terinspirasi dengan lagu yang lama tak terdengar lagi. Madu dan Racun, lagu yang bersyair: Engkau yang cantik, engkau yang manis Engkau yang manja Selalu tersipu, rawan sikapmu dibalik kemelut Di remang kabutmu di tabir mega-megam...

A birthday prayer for Devina Kristianti Gunawan

We thank God for giving us, you in our life We praise God because of you It has been 17 years ago It seems just yesterday We have fallen in love with you when the first time … We could touch your face and your small hands We love you more and more day by day We always want to do our best for you You give us an honor position to be your mom and dad You make us proud with all talents you have We have watched you change and grow We still remember your first step Your first words, your first song, and your first smile We keep each of detail memories we have about you and We will always do … collecting memories with you Every moments of your life we love as part of our life We love to be with you, hand in hand together to accompany you But there is a time when we can not be with you There is a time only our prayer and love can be with you Today we couldn’t bring Andrea Bocelli to sing "Amapola" or "Because we believe" for you But for sure we want you to have unforgettabl...

The risible experience part 3 Nice punishment

That day as usual all students had regular class and I was so relax in my office thinking everything went well and that day would soon ended. Suddenly I heard a very loud voice up stair. I called someone to figure out what was going on there. He went to find out. He went back bringing four students. He said,” Ibu, these boys are the trouble makers in the class, they pretended as drummers and they played in the class using tables.” Discipline the students is not an easy job. I asked for opinion from the students,” what do you think the best punishment for you?” They started to give me their opinion. One boy said,” Ibu if you want to punish us it is okay we can do push up” The second boy quickly said,” Please I can not do push up bu, can you change the punishment to other thing such as running” The others also gave their opinion and they also argued among them what the nice punishment for them. I found the crazy idea. I remember the one of the cigarette advertising when some boys play th...

My best friend, my husband

You are the one who can see beyond my appearance You are the one who trusts me You are the one who always supports me You are the one who believes in my dreams You are the one from many friends I have The only one in my life, whom I love and trust The one who always holds my hands and walks besides me The one who always lends the shoulder to cry on You are my best friend who listens to my heart You are always with me thru any situation in my life. You are my best friend and I am blessed that you are my husband Jakarta, May 17, 2009, at 8.27PM **Lina Kartasasmita**

Saat ini

Tak kutunggu mentari menjelang Tak kulari dari kenyataan Hidup ini hanya sementara Kenapa harus kugusarkan Perjalanan panjang yang tak dapat kuramalkan Detik demi detik Hari demi hari Tetap berlalu tanpa henti Bukan aku tak perduli hari esok Yang pasti aku hidup hari ini Kadang kulupa detik ku berdiri Hari ini, hidup ini sekarang ini Apa yang dapat kuberikan Kepada orang orang tercinta Hanya cinta dan cinta saja Jakarta, May 16, 2009, at 10.20 PM **Lina Kartasasmita**

Berita yang perlu direnungkan

Era 80 an lagu “ Berita Kepada Kawan” balada yang disampaikan oleh Ebiet G. Ade terdengar di mana-nama. Perjalanan ini terasa sangat menyedihkan, sayang engkau tak duduk di sampingku kawan Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan… ………… Sesampainya di laut kukabarkna semuanya Kepada karang, kepada ombak kepada matahari ……….. Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan, melihat tingkah kita Yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa dosa…. …… Coba kita bertanya kepada rumput yang bergoyang. Jelas lagu tersebut menceritakan balada suatu perjalanan yang menyedihkan, menceritakan kerusakan lingkungan. Semua itu diungkapkan dalam suatu lagu yang puitis dan bermakna sebagai pesan untuk menjaga lingkungan. Sesuatu yang wajar bila kita mempunyai kawan, kita ingin berbagi cerita, berbagi duka dan nestapa. Saat ini aku merenungkan apa yang umum terjadi dalam kehidupan kita bilamana ada suatu kisah tentang seorang kawan, yang justru terjadi adalah kita mencoba menyampaikan berita itu kepada kawan-kawan yang lain. Be...

The risible experience part 2 My Bollywood student

He was actually a charming boy among other students. He always could attract people attention with his body movement, no wonder he is from India. Every time I looked at him I just thought I had one Bollywood actor in the class room. It was my first year to be a principal. And he was the third grader high school student. Third grade in high school is always the critical year for student. It is about the Last National examination. Teachers need to teach harder to make sure the students can meet the expectation grade. I faced the biggest problems when all the teachers came to me and said they wanted to quit teaching for the third grade student. I couldn’t accept that before I knew the reason. The teachers started to complain about the uncooperative students. I thought the teachers needed motivation so I told them to change their paradigm of teaching. Giving the teachers example how to handle the classroom and how to deal with difficult students. I asked them to find the root of the proble...

The risible experience part 1 “Lost in Tokyo”

It was June 2004, when my daughters and I visited Tokyo for a week. I was proud that I have visited Tokyo for many times before. Travelling with my lovely children I wanted to make them impress of their mom’s ability of planning and organizing the trip. I arranged the schedule and printed all information about the places we wanted to see. Internet played a big help during preparation. I found the website about the transportation system in Japan especially for train and surprised that website using English language. I used to have language problem every time I visited Japan, because the lack of English language there. Anyway Japanese people are famous as a very helpful people and they are very nice to foreigners. Sometimes I just used body language in communication. On that day I planned to bring my children to Tokyo Disneyland. We went by bus from my auntie’s apartment to the train station and I bought train ticket by showing the train schedule which has been printed in a piece of pape...

Sang pujangga

Tak terlintas dalam mimpiku Untuk jadi seorang pujangga Hasrat ku berbagi kata kata yang terangkai Atau cerita untuk di renungkan Adalah suatu luapan kasih Banyak hal kecil dan manis dalam hidup Lenyap tanpa kenangan Terlupakan dan terabaikan Ada pesan dalam suatu kisah Ada amanat dalam cerita Semua terbuang sia-sia Siapa pula yang ingin menyimpan kenangan Siapa pula yang mencatat keindahan Siapa lagi yang meneruskan cerita kehidupan Tak perlu jadi pujangga.. Tak perlu terkenal untuk berbagi Yang di perlukan hanya hati yang perduli Karya demi karya hanyalah sekumpulan kata-kata indah Yang hanya bermakna bila di renungkan Jakarta, May 13, 2009, at 7.05 PM (**Lina Kartasasmita**)

Lesson from my student

It was an ordinary day; I sat in my office ready to start working on my schedule. I was about to write something when I heard one of my student greeted me and he said,” Can I talk with you?” I looked at him and answered,” Sure” He was one of my students, he said,”Ibu, how is my talent test?” I said,”Let me see the result first” I started to open the personality and talent test results and I looked at his result. “Well, your result is you are strong in Social study, according to this you will be in Social study class” He looked at me and his face was sad. He started to ask some questions “Ibu is that possible for me to be in science class?” I said to him,” You can do it but you have to work and study harder to be the best there. You are smart enough to be there but your strength is social study” He looked at me,” Ibu, do you know that parents always think science class is better than social study class?” I said “I know that and I realize that wrong image has been build for many years. T...

Mom’s love

Start in the beginning of life Mom’s voice was the first voice whispering in our ears Mom’s heartbeat was the first thing keeping us warm inside her body Mom’s hands were the first hands which touch Mom’s feeling was the first lesson, learning about love, happiness and sadness Mom’s is a human, she is an ordinary person, she made mistake. But Mom... she is willing to share her best time with us, she will stay for us, her hands are always ready to give us hug or just to hold our hand. Mom... is an ordinary person with a great love to her children. Mom doesn’t need any reason to love. Being a Mom is a never ending job. Once you become a mom you will always be a mom. For every mother in this world HAPPY MOTHER DAY May 10, 2009 PROUD TO BE A MOM! Jakarta December 21, 2008

Kehidupan Jakarta

Ketika langit mulai kelabu dan malam menjelang Suara jangkrik tak lagi terdengar di kota padat Jakarta Kesibukan di jalan masih terus berlanjut seolah tak pernah surut Malam kian menjelang.. tapi pekerjaan tak kunjung usai. Seolah hari esok tak pernah ada, seolah waktu tak lagi tersisa Inilah kehidupan, gambaran mayoritas penduduk Jakarta Keletihan dan keletihan yang tergores di wajah Semangat bagaikan terbang melayang Keindahan alam tak lagi dinikmatinya Semua terabaikan, tersisihkan jauh di belakang Malam kian larut dan keletihan berlanjut Seperti itulah kehidupan.. terus berlanjut Jakarta, May 6, 2009 at 8.32 PM

Lagu pembunuhan dan penganiayaan

Waktu remaja aku suka mengajar keponakanku bernyanyi. Kuajarkan dia menyanyi lagu Potong bebek angsa… Tiba tiba dia berkata, kenapa lagunya lagu pembunuhan Terkejut aku sejenak dan bertanya dalam hatiku, apa yang salah dari lagu-lagu itu. Tak terlintas dalam pikiranku sama sekali. Dia mulai bernyanyi, “Potong bebek angsa, masak di kuali” Dia berteriak, “Itu pembunuhan.. bebeknya dipotong dan dimasak” Tak mau berdebat aku dengannya, kuajarkan lagu baru, cicak cicak di dinding. Dia asyik mendengarkanku menyanyikan syair lagu cicak, Cicak cicak di dinding, diam diam merayap, datang seekor nyamuk ..hap lalu di tangkap. Berteriaklah si kecil keponakanku, “Itu penganiayaan … nyamuknya ditangkap” Ha …  Jakarta, May 6, 2009 at 8.12 PM

Balada Becak di Jakarta Era 70 an

Di tahun 70 an naik becak mempunyai kenikmatan sendiri, Seperti yang digambarkan dalam lagu Becak karya ibu Sud. Tamasya keliling kota… Duduk di muka sambil mengangkat kaki, Aku teringat masa kecil ku berangkat sekolah berlima dalam sebuah becak Terkecil dari yang lain, aku duduk menyempil Tapi hatiku selalu senang di pagi hari Bernyanyi riang sepanjang jalan.. Melihat sungai yang masih bersih Menikmati angin yang sepoi menerpa wajah dan rambut kuncir kuda ku Jalananpun lapang dari motor dan mobil Asyiknya masa kecilku… Sayangnya Jakarta tak lagi seperti dulu…. Becak pun hanya tinggal dalam lagu ibu Sud… Jakarta 8.51 PM May 5, 2009

The turning point

The story began when I was in 2nd grade in Junior high school at Catholic school. Tried to be a good student I always did my homework. On that particular day I was surprised when my Indonesian language teacher Ms. Maria told most of the students didn’t complete the homework. She mentioned my name too; I was shocked I thought I finished it already. She punished the students to make that homework out side the class. I was so angry that time, I thought something wrong happened. I talked to Ms. Maria “Ms. Maria, I didn’t remember that you mention to make that part of the page” Ms. Maria was angrily said,” Yes I did and all of you didn’t listen” I kept explaining to her,” If you were right why most of us didn’t make that part? “It was the time I just woke up the sleeping tiger. She said,” Lina, you have no right to say to me like that. Please say sorry to me or I will punish you” I said,”Ms. Maria, as long as I believe that I am telling you the truth I will never say sorry to you” Ms. Ma...

Like no other

On that day, I didn’t feel well at all and someone rang the bell of my house. I opened the door and found a surprise that my neighbor came to visit me. He said hi to me and asked whether I have time to talk. I said it was okay to talk with him but he said he would bring his wife to chat with me. He returned back to my house with his wife. And we started to talk about their son. They had a problem their son wanted to quit school and they started their stories about the difficulties their son has at school. The father started to ask me to give him a recommendation which school to send his son. I couldn’t answer it easily. I started questioning the parents. What they really want to see in their son’s future. Sending our children to school is part of our responsibility as parents. If our children have a problem than we need to analyze the problem then we try to get the right help to solve that. I told them Please look at their son “like no other” why? Because each person has eight intell...

When enough is not enough

There is a time when we feel there is not enough love for us; there is not enough happiness in our life. There is a time when we feel so blue about ourselves. The reflection of sadness comes out thru our eyes. That is part of the roller coaster effect in life. Up and down is a common thing. There is a time “When enough is not enough”. If we have time to take a look what standard is actually we use to say that is enough for us? No standard we can use in this world for our life. The society creates the image that branded stuffs can upgrade our prestige in life. It might be true but it also drives us to the wrong direction to build our personality. Sometimes we forget to listen to our heart. What our heart needs to be happy in life. What standard our happiness is. When is enough for us? When we feel enough is not enough, than we have to start looking around, we need to see how great things people can do without something enough in their life. Enough will never be enough because we thin...

On my special day

It is common on special day in our life; we used to get presents, gifts from our relative and friends. It shows that they love and care about you. When I look around, there are so many presents which I never use in my life. I wonder what I really need and I will keep it forever.. I will use it every single day... in every step in my life This is the greatest presents in my life and I will always need The loving heart which always forgive my mistake The hugs of love to show that you all care The words of motivation when I am weak The prayers for my health The shoulders to cry on... The hands which always hold me The beautiful smiles of my daughters The happy face of my husband The memories to keep in my heart All of those will give the meaning of my life... They are the reason for me to continue my life with love

A cup of coffee or cappuccino

I always start a day with a cup of coffee; it is like a ritual of my day. I love a cup of black coffee which the bitterness wakes me up. Life is hard; many times I can not enjoy my coffee. I just sip up the coffee and start to work. I think simple thing in our life can be a great lesson of wisdom. A cup of coffee inspired me to think deeply about the bitterness of life or the happiness in my life. Black coffee has bitter taste, adding sugar can change the taste. The bad condition can happen in our life. It is all about our acceptance. I had to do the therapy in the hospital every day, when I was in the treatment room. It was so hard to accept, the bitterness in my life having unhealthy condition. I silently cried every time I saw my daughters’ teary eyes to know their mom is not feeling well. Every thought of sadness leads my spirit to negative side. I tried to add some sugar in my condition by telling myself.. 15 minutes in the treatment room actually it was not sad or bitter condi...

My birthday present

March 9th, 2007 by wisdom-to-share Today is March 9,2007. It is three days before my birthday. I got my birthday present today from my lovely husband. The present that I will not forget forever. We watched NEIL SEDAKA concert at Jones Hall, Houston Texas. Neil Sedaka is the greatest song writter and singer. His songs are "Oh Carol", "Laughter in the rain", "Breaking up is hard to do", "Happy birthday sweet sixteen", "Love will keep us together", "Calendar girl","Solitaire". I love his songs. He is wonderful singer and extra ordinary talented pianist. Most of all, I knew that Neil Sedaka has the same date of birthday with me. In my life I always love music. Music always brings a lot of things in my mind and my heart. I get inspiration from music. Watching music live and listen to great music it is the most precious thing in my life. It is bigger than any diamond in this world. Thanks to my husband, with his love, he a...


October 12th, 2006 by wisdom-to-share Character, what is character? Character is doing right because it is right. We do something right in the standard of GOD; we are not doing something right because our society said that is right. Character is doing something right because it is right. Not because someone said that is right, not because the society think that is right. Difference between Character and Charm, Character is doing right because it is right, no matter what the situation is. But Charm, you do something because you need to do that, you need to impress someone, you need to make people love you, and you do it because the situation needs that. After Charm, you will back to your character. Character is the real you all the time. Difference between Character and Talent, Character is your choice, Talent is the gift. How to build your character? You have a choice, each time you make a choice that is the time you build your character. Right choice in your life builds right charact...

In my daugthers eyes

October 12th, 2006 by wisdom-to-share Dearest my lovely daughters, This song really represent my love for you. This is what I always see in you and your eyes. I love this song. When you hear this song.. please remember my love for you. You are my precious daughters and you are wonderful and special. Love you **Mom** In My Daughter’s Eyes by Martina Mcbride In my daughter’s eyes I am a hero I am strong and wise and I know no fear But the truth is plain to see She was sent to rescue me I see who I wanna be In my daughter’s eyes In my daughter’s eyes everyone is equal Darkness turns to light and the world is at peace This miracle God gave to me gives me strength when I am weak I find reason to believe In my daughter’s eyes And when she wraps her hand around my finger Oh it puts a smile in my heart Everything becomes a little clearer I realize what life is all about It’s hangin’ on when your heart has had enough It’s giving more when you feel like giving up I’ve seen the light It’s in my d...

My first poem published

October 12th, 2006 by wisdom-to-share Untuk Putri Tunggalku - By Lina K. Kartawidjaja Anakku, Persiapkanlah dirimu menghadapi yang terburuk Agar kau tak bersungut-sungut dalam kekecewaan Tapi hatimu tetap penuh dengan pengucapan syukur… Tetaplah ceria di saat-saat terburukmu…. Maka semangatmu tak pernah padam Jangan hiasi wajah dan dirimu dengan kemewahan Hati yang baik akan menutupi wajah yang buruk Perilakumu adalah cermin untuk menjadi cantik Dan kegembiraan akan membuatnya menarik…. Tuntutlah ilmu setinggi kemampuanmu Kerjakanlah hal-hal yang sesederhana apapun tanpa ragu Biarlah itu jadi bekalmu dalam mendidik dan merawat anak-anakmu Janganlah kau terpaku mengejar harta dan kedudukan Tak akan ada kata cukup untuk itu….. Penuhilah hatimu dan pikiranmu dengan kesederhanaan Sehingga setiap hal adalah berkat yang tak berkesudahan Kebahagiaan itu tidak dihitung dengan uang dan harta Kebahagiaan itu adalah hati dan pikiran yang tidak dikuasai keserakahan Hidup ini singkat saja…. Yang pa...

Bless to be the blessings

March 23rd, 2007 by wisdom-to-share Spring break is time to get together. I have wonderful time to share wisdom to my little girls. I told them that our time together and talking about life is the most precious things that they can keep for their whole life. We started to talk about our blessings. We counted every blessing we have in our life. Our health, time, family, talents, opportunities and friends…. Most of all we never can end to count them. Sometimes we asked ourselves, “Why does God bless us?” The answer is so simple. We bless to be the blessings for others. Look around you, God gives each time of our life to be a blessing. Each time has its opportunity for us to do something. There are always someone need our encouragement. One word.. one statement … one smile can be a blessing for others. My girls please remember this and share this to your children one day…. That you bless to be the blessings. Be positive about yourselves. Use your blessings to praise the Lord. Use your tal...


March 23rd, 2007 by wisdom-to-share If I still have a chance to be with you, I will spend all the times to tell you. You are the first man in my life that loves me with unconditional love. I remember each time I spent with you. We spent so many times watching movies and eating Peking duck. My favorite food is always the same. I rare to eat Peking Duck now.. Daddy. Not because I do not like it anymore. Because I miss you … I miss when you told me your life, your hard time, your wisdom in your life. We walked from King Cross to Darling Harbor.That was wonderful time. If I could turn the clock back.. I still wanted to walk beside you. I still love Keroncong music as you do. I will never forget it. Thank you for giving me wonderful memories to keep in my life. It is my treasure of your love. Love Your daughter

Loretta my best friend and my sister

March 23rd, 2007 by wisdom-to-share I have to write this to you. The first time I saw you and met you. I like your lovely smile, your long hair and I believe that you have a warm heart. You are so beautiful. The more I know you the more I see your beauty. We have spent time together and we have a lot in common. We cook, we laugh, and we enjoy our time … just to talk something silly. And with my broken English we make our own jokes. Every time I see you play piano and sing. I love it so much. You brought back my memories when I sang in church with school choir. You are very talented and you are wonderful instrument in God’s hand. Every time my girls talk about you. I know that you become their angel. You bring music to my daughters’ heart. You make them love to sing. You make them love to praise God. I can see your love to my girls. I really thank you for being there for us. I will never forget our time together. I will keep our friendship forever. Please remember you are my sister too....

My Mom

March 27th, 2007 by wisdom-to-share Mom, Each day .. each time I see you. Your winkles tell me so How many years you have passed with passion How many tears you have in your life… With your simple mind you lead me year by year… It has been a hard time to you to explain to me Your love put me higher than yourself. I can not say anything, Mom… This is from my heart… I love you Mom.. and thank you… for everything **your only daughter**

The man I love ….

March 27th, 2007 by wisdom-to-share You have been my friend for such a long time, You are always there to support me, You do your best to understand me I love you … I always do … You are my best friend and my lovely husband. **ILO**


April 28th, 2007 by wisdom-to-share One day a boy asked me about God, why God did not answer his prayer. It took me a moment to answer his question. I know for sure that God always answers our prayer. Why we can not see God’s answer because we always look for our own desire in God’s answer. We want the answer is “yes” or “no”. In our life we always want quick answer, instant solution for our problem. I don’t think that is the way God wants us to be. HE has HIS own plan to make us learn from each problem we have in our life. That is the process of being Mature and getting the Wisdom of God. It sounds so hard but that is the fact. God loves us so much but HE is the greatest father all the time, HE knows the best for HIS children. We can not compare our ability to think like HIM. How many times in our life, we say,” I trust God “but we fail to really rely on HIM. We still look for our solution, our desire. How many times we asked God again and again. Why God let me see so many ways to...

There is always a reason for everything

April 28th, 2007 by wisdom-to-share I had a dream to be in stage to perform, I might be a comedian or dancer. The first dream I had in my life when I was a teenager. I thought to have a dream was something that I could make it true. Unfortunately I had to leave my dream as a dream. I could not reach it. One day in my life I did a test of my talents; I was surprised to read what I might be; social worker (teacher, nurse, etc) writer accountant psychologist I thought the test could be wrong. Since I couldn’t reach my first dream, I turned to study accounting. When I graduated from university, I thought I could work in a bank or company. There was an offer to teach Accounting for high school students. Okay I took that job. Then the most important moment in my life came, I got marriage. I dedicate my life for my two sweet girls. The best job that I always love, I never regret that I dedicate my time to be with the girls so much. While my friends told me that I wasted my ability and my bac...


May 3rd, 2007 by wisdom-to-share Dear girls, I want you to remember this. In everything give thanks to God. Today I came to your school and listened they called your name to get your Honor achievements. While you were standing there, that is my happiness moment to see my daughters do their best and get recognition by people. I am proud of you. I thank God that God trusts me to have you in my life and to raise you in my way. I am not a perfect mom, but I only want to do my best to support you. You are the God’s greatest gifts to me. How wonderful to see how blessings go around us. God gives you in my life as part of my blessings. God gives both of you talents and desire in your heart. Those are your blessings. Each time you use your talent and desire to be a better person, each time you use your blessings, you bring those blessings back to me as your mom. While you prove to others that you have blessings to use in your life, you use your talents to praise God. That is time to pass your...

Cherish what you have today

October 3rd, 2007 by wisdom-to-share Sometimes in our life, we pass day by day without awareness. We don’t realize how important our time “today”. Some of us stuck with the past time… some of us just think everything for the future… How about today? Today is the time for us to prepare for our future and to make improvement from our past. What we have today is a time, less than 24 hours and lets be aware to use our time today wisely

Never compare!

April 25th, 2008 by wisdom-to-share Dear girls, I believed that I have already told you about this message. As time goes by, I want you to have something to review again and again, so I think to write this for you once again. We always have reasons to compare our life with others’. In our minds and eyes, we thought that other’s life is better than ours. Is that true? That is not true. We compare only one thing or several things which our eyes can see or our minds can go but we don’t know what deep inside their real life. It is hard not to compare, it is a strong temptation in our life. I want you to remember, before you start to compare your life. Take your time and sit down, count each blessing in your life. Look at your talents, health, family and your opportunity to life better that others’ who are not as fortune as you. Look at the positive side of your life and problems. You can find amazing reason to praise God who leads your life. Never compare, you have the best in you. You jus...

The best heritage

April 25th, 2008 by wisdom-to-share Dear girls, Each time I see both of you; I always think the best heritage that I can give to you in your life. I am not sure about money, property or valuable things which I can give to you one day. I just know that heritage is not about materialism. It should be more than that. The value should be last forever. I think the best heritage is giving you an opportunity to get good education. That is my first heritage for you. Take this opportunity to make your heritage is the best investment in your life. You can create and reach your dream thru education. This is my prayer that both of you have wisdom to use all your talents and blessings in your life. Be wise and be yourself. You can not turn back the time. Each time you have now, each opportunity you have now, might never come back again to you. Whatever your dreams are, it depends on your wise decision now. Be wise with your time, be wise to choose your friends and in everything you do use your wis...

Don’t ask GOD for miracle, but ask GOD to make you a miracle.

I hear this wonderful statement from Nick Vujicic, at TBN channel, he was born without legs and arms ( ). He is wonderful witness and has positive and strong motivation in his life. I love his statement when he told the story that first he prayed for miracle but then he changed his prayer that God will make him a miracle. He got it, he became inspiration for others, he has ministry to help people and he travels around the world to be the witness of God’s love. Nick’s message is very strong, let ask God to make us a miracle. That is powerful prayer and motivation in our life. If we can walk normally, if we have arms and legs, let us do our best to be a miracle in God’s hand. April 25th, 2008 by wisdom-to-share


April 25th, 2008 by wisdom-to-share What is SAM? This is one of my speeches at Toastmaster. SAM represents S = Set your mind to be positive A = Avoid negative people M = Motivation Set your mind to be positive is the most important thing to start your day, if you wake up in the morning and grumble about the day, your mind goes to negative side, you will have a bad day and it will weaken your spirit for the entire day. Avoid negative people; it is hard to find positive people around us. Negative people will turn down our spirit or good motivation back to negative. So it is better to stay away from negative people. Motivation; keep motivate yourself with good statements and keep your spirit high Instead of telling GOD I have a big problem, it is better to tell Problem that I have big GOD..