Life is Responsibility:” Me … not mommy”

Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.
Tony Robbins

I used to keep in touch with my old friends, one day I was online on Yahoo messenger and I found one of my friends also online. I started to type “Hi” and then we had a long chatting line after that. Even we live in the same city Jakarta; we haven’t met for such a long time. My friend told me that she was busy because that was a final exam at her children’s school. She was busy to help her children to memorize and to study all subjects from Math, Science and Social studies. She found out that I never helped my children to memorize before the exam. The big question was how I did that.
The answer that I have in my life, I never taught my children or helped them to study. I just taught them “Life is responsibility and consequence” Their responsibilities in life, they need to do their best in everything, bring the best out of themselves, they have to use their talents which God have given in them. The consequence will follow after each responsibility. If they didn’t study and they fail in their exam, it is not a mother’s responsibility or others. It is their own responsibility, their own consequence. Each responsibility they take, they will also get the consequence. No one can help them except themselves.
I used to ask my daughters when they were in kinder garden school. I believe they still remember my question until now. My question was,” If you learn something, who will get smarter? If you study hard who will get the praise? “The answer would be,” Me… not mommy” As a mom I just taught them to know what the purpose of their life, the great attitude and foundation in their life. I believe “Children are empty glasses which we need to fulfill inside the glass and not to decorate the exterior of the glasses”
Some parents preferred to help their children to memorize and to study instead of prepared their children to face difficulties or obstacles in life. Parents used to see good grade as a goal. But in life, grade only represented our ability at school, at one moment in life or one subject which probably we even didn’t like it. I saw my children as blessings from God. They have their talents, their own dreams and their own life. My responsibilities as a mom are to love them, to accept and to encourage them.
If I never helped my children to study or to memorize the school subjects, what have I done for them?. That was a great question. The answer was “I am always there for them; I give them support when they need, I encourage them and I motivate them to bring out their best. I always say,” Yes, you can do it” I am there for them as a mom, a friend and a coach. “
Life is responsibility and as Jim Rohn said:
You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.
Jim Rohn

Let the children learn to take their responsibility and let them make themselves know the purpose of their life. God has given the children talents and abilities. Our responsibility as parents just make our children can see what they have in them.

**Lina Kartasasmita** Jakarta, 24 October 2010 at 6.11PM


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