“In giving and sharing”

The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.
Leo Buscaglia

At the first time I met her, I knew that she has a wonderful personality. She has Javanese face and a very long hair. She used to work with me. The more I knew her, the more I like her simplicity in her life. When she became part of my management team, I had to mentor her to be the leader. She was worried because she was so young and inexperienced. I said,” Experience is about time. At the time you learn and walk through that phases and then you have the experiences. I started my journey from no body to be somebody. Don't make people underestimate you because of your age"
Starting that day I spent most of my time with her just only talking about philosophy of life. We discussed from the wisdom of Tao Te Ching, Confucius, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Christianity. Once she asked me, "Ibu, what is the relation between the wisdom and leadership?" My answer probably was not too simple to understand, “All of this wisdom will teach you how to understand life and when you apply it in your life, you can lead by example of your own life. If you are a leader you have to remember leader means serving people, you have to be humble to be a leader. You will lead people from different background, all the wisdom has universal rules which you can apply in everyday life. You will learn how to accept and to tolerate in leadership. Leader is only a title; you don't need the title once you know how to be a leader. Leader should share and has ability to put himself or herself in other people's shoes, to lead people we have to be able to bring their best out of them. Make them following you not because of your position but make them following you because you are a good person." She listened to my explanation and she told me that she would remember that. It was my routine activities with her discuss about wisdom.
I saw her growing with a great understanding of wisdom and she applied in her life, I saw others staffs respected her as my wish. It was a time I have to go. She was so sad; she really appreciated what I have shared with her. She said she would never forget that. I said “Don’t mention it. In my life I just want to pass it on my blessing and I hope you will do the same to others “It is my happiness in life to see someone can bring their best out of them.

I believe …
“In sharing; Share your wisdom, it will make you wiser
In giving; Give yourself, it will never make you poor”

A couple days ago, one of my students posted on my Facebook wall Lina, “I truly enjoyed today's class. You have made profound changes in my life. And the wisdom and value that you have added to my life is Priceless! You are a great friend and I thank you immensely for what you have done to me!” He reminded me about all my experiences with all my staffs and my students. I hope they will pass it on whatever I have shared with them. All of that experiences are enriched my life. I called that is a value of my life.

Once we try to help people we actually help ourselves to grow, to learn and to be a better person.

Happiness... consists in giving, and in serving others.
Henry Drummond

**Lina Kartasasmita** Jakarta, 12 May 2011 at 5.25 PM


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