The Empty Nest

I came back home early today and I saw my mom was busy taking care of her new kitchen renovation. I asked my mom whether she wanted to have lunch with me and she agreed, so I cooked for her and we enjoyed lunch together. During lunch she used to tell me all celebrities gossip or today news which she knew from the television. Sometimes I am too lazy to give any comment and I try so hard to connect with her topic on that day.
My house is side by side with my mom’s house and there is a connecting door in between. I went to my house and I turned my TV on and I was looking for my favorite TV serial, my daughter was still at school taking her exam. Suddenly the house was so empty for me. Do I really ready for the empty nest?

At that moment, I put myself on my mom’s shoes. Now, I understood how her feeling was; many times she has to be alone at home from morning to night and no one at home whom she could talk to. I will be as old as my mom one day, how come I can not bear with her topic sometimes. She just needs someone to talk to.

The journey of life is probably just like that. We come to this world alone and we will end up alone as well. The flashback memories came into my mind, I saw my mom when she was young she never stopped to serve the family, she has six children and some relative who stayed in our house. She woke up in the morning, she started her day with cooking, preparing the children to go to school and cleaning the house and that was her routine. She didn’t have time for herself. There was a time when her children grown up and left the house, then my dad passed away. She was shocked but she continued her life with a great spirit. She dedicated herself to look after her grandchildren. And there was at time when her grandchildren go to study abroad or outside the city. It seems she is always ready to see emptiness in her life.

Once my mom said to me,” I just want to hear my children, my grandchildren are healthy and in a good condition and I pray for them all the time” It was hard for her because many times none of the children called her and talked with her. I am the only one she has to be around her and I become the witness of her loneliness.

My mom doesn’t need to cook for many people right now, but she still serves the family. She always wakes up early in the morning and she will pray for her children, her grandchildren and her great grand children. She does every morning with love; she keeps serving the family by praying. I learn a lot from her, “To love is to serve”, and she doesn’t expect something in return.

In a couple months, I will have an empty nest. My youngest baby will go miles away from me. Will I be as strong as my mom? When no babies at home, no body to talk to …
I know it will never be easy for me. Through this notes I just want to share to my lovely daughters … I will walk on the same path that my mom did and one day both of my daughters will also be in the same phases of life. Now I understood better to my mom’s needs, I will do my best not to ignore her when she talks to me the same topic or gossips. I just know that simple call, simple note, simple conversation will add more spirit to my mom’s day. And this will be always my prayer “God, help me to be a better daughter for my mom and help me to be a better mom and a strong mom for my two lovely daughters”

I hope my daughters will keep this in their minds that I just want to hear both of my daughters are in good health and good condition where ever they are.

There is a real opportunity right now as parents and grandparents to come up with a plan that leaves our kids with something better than we have; that is, an opportunity to own, build, and grow a nest egg of their own.
Norm Coleman

**Lina Kartasasmita** Jakarta, May 14, 2011 at 11.06 AM


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