Getting old doesn’t make us wiser

I was about to take a shower when my phone rang twice. I thought if that was an important call, it would ring again. Oops… it rang again and when I picked it up. I heard a familiar voice. He said, “Hi Miss… are you busy? Can we talk?” I replied,” Not really, but I need to take a shower first” He said,” Okay Miss. I will call you again in a few minutes” The caller was my student; he is a very nice boy and very good student. I didn’t talk a lot with him in the class room, but we chatted online sometimes to discuss about Accounting or just sharing about life. My mind kept wondering what actually I would need to discuss with him. My wondering time was over when the phone rang again.
He was my student for one semester in one of the college which I taught before. I know him for only a short time, but we spent time to discuss about life sometimes. This time he called me just to share about his opinion about life. We talked about how people usually saw their problem, their life and their success. I was amazed to meet young man with a deep thinking about life. He saw success is not about money, he admired process of achievement more than the achievement itself. He has something which over his age. His points of view are strong and it builds his wisdom in a young age.
We spent two and half hours to chat about life. We are connected by our opinion about life. I said to him, “You will walk in the empty street, there is not too many people in your age will have wisdom as you have now. You will walk alone. In your life you will find that your friends can not understand you or your point of view and your concept about happiness. They will look at you as a stranger or they will say you are too old for your age. Get ready to face that you will be alone in this age… And it will be hard for you to find someone in the same level of wisdom like you have now.” He laughed to hear about that. He said,” Is that something wrong about it? “I said,” Nothing wrong about that, but you are looking for something which other people don’t look for that. You expand your mind to see wisdom while people are busy to build their happiness base on the common standard of life”
Learning wisdom in life will never be easy for everyone, but it is possible thing to do. In our life we pass every day life without putting our awareness there are a lot of lessons to build our wisdom. We only take it as a lesson if we lost something or we have a bad experience. That is why wisdom seems too hard to reach. Wisdom is in our mind as long as we want to open our eyes to see every single thing happens in our life is a source of wisdom.
Thank you to my student, who picked me as his friend in sharing the wisdom of life. I learned a lot from his point of view. Getting old doesn’t make us wiser. We need to use our mind to reach that level of understanding life.

Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place.
Abigail Van Buren, 1978
US advice columnist (1918 - )

*Lina Kartasasmita*
April 2, 2010 at 8.43PM


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