
Showing posts from July, 2009

The letter from God

Dear my lovely child, Right now, you probably ask where I am. I am here with you inside you. I feel what you feel; I am with you all the time in the good time or bad time. I walk together with you in every single step you take Don’t worry my child, I never leave you alone You are so precious for me You are unique and special I promise to be with you all the time For many reasons, I have to let something happen in your life You will be in the dark side of your life but … Like the colors of the rainbow, your life will be the same Your life might be full of joy or sadness, It might be happy or angry, love or hate If you can only see one color in your life It will be hard for you to see the beauty of the rainbow The colors of your life will teach you to be a better person Each problem you have in life, it makes you stronger and stronger If you look the rainbow with all the colors you will see the beauty of life Dark or bright, red, yellow or blue in your life … You are always in MY hand. M...

Teaching is a gift and leaning is a skill

"In the Western tradition, we have focused on teaching as a skill and forgotten what Socrates knew: teaching is a gift, learning is a skill." — Peter Drucker 1985, Fresh graduate from senior high school I was offered to teach in class as substitute teacher in junior high school for two weeks. I felt that experiences opened my mind about teenagers. I saw they struggled as teenagers, how they had to manage their life, how they had to face their generation gap with their parents, or how they had to accept the reality of life. After two weeks, I decided to continue to teach. I love to teach and I end up as teacher. I think I was called to be a teacher. During my era or even now, being a teacher is not a popular job. I don’t know how to describe my feeling that I really love to teach and I think teaching is part of passing my blessings. I care about my students not only their ability of study but most of the time I also care about their problems and their personality. One day my ...

The power of Attitude

Today I came to one office which I should meet someone. I don’t know what is going on behind the scene of that place. Honestly I saw securities and receptionist didn’t smile or greet people with a nice voice. I had unpleasant impression of their attitude. Deeply thinking about unhappy and unpleasant faces in that situation, I couldn’t judge them by their appearance. Anyway it was an indicator of attitude problems. My imagination went far away beyond my sight. Probably they didn’t know how they should treat people; they have family problem or health problem. But I couldn’t guess what they have in their mind. Those are my creative reason to accept that unpleasant experience with them. I kept telling myself that was common in our life. We bring our problems into our workplace. Nothing wrong about that, but if the situation influences our attitude in working or treating people around. We just spread a bad atmosphere in the workplace. I believe each of us has problems in our life, in the ot...

Yang tersirat dari sebuah cerita film KING

Saya teringat ketika belajar bahasa Indonesia diminta untuk membahas apa yang tersirat dan tersurat atau tertulis dari suatu karangan atau karya penulisan. Ternyata pelajaran itu tertanan dalam-dalam di pikiran saya. Biasanya kita hanya membaca yang tertulis tanpa memahami apa yang tersirat di dalam tulisan tersebut. Hal itu pula yang membuat kita salah arti atau bahkan tidak mampu menyerap pesan-pesan dari seorang pengarang. Dua hari lalu saya mendapat kesempatan menonton film hasil karya anak bangsa sendiri yaitu film King. Bagi yang telah menyaksikan film tersebut tentu telah mengetahui jalan cerita film itu. Ketika saya menonton film tersebut, duduk disamping saya seorang ayah dan dua orang anak remajanya. Ketika film berlangsung sang ayah sibuk menceritakan bagaimana jalan kisah film tersebut. Ach… ingin saya marah rasanya karena komentarnya telah mengganggu konsentrasi saya. Tapi saya sadar tidak perlu berdebat dengan orang yang tidak saya kenal. Ayah tersebut tidak mengetahui ...

Passing a blessing

Sometimes in our life, we take our blessings for granted. We only judge everything as far as our eyes can see. We don’t have time to measure the intangible value of life. We like to count our tangible asset or we like to judge people by their appearance. Nothing wrong about it, it is a common thing in this world. We follow the crowd. One day I learn something from my dad. He was 60 years old and he started a new firm. My brother told that would be the bad business for my dad because he opened the service law firm for poor people. My dad never had a formal education, he never went to school. He was an autodidact person. He was smart and he had an excellent knowledge in law. Since he had no formal education in law my brother started to worry about our dad’s decision. My brother didn’t want to talk to our dad and he suggested me to talk to our dad. My brother thought I am the only daughter so my voice would be heard. I arranged a good time to talk to my dad. When I mentioned my concern a...

Lebih cepat lebih baik

Motto “Lebih cepat lebih baik” terdengar di mana-mana sekarang ini karena adanya kampanye pemilihan presiden. Sebagai orang tua saya sempat tergelitik dengan motto ini. Beberapa tahun lalu dan bahkan sampai sekarang ini adanya penawaran jalur pendidikan yang lebih singkat melalui program akselerasi atau program foundation dari college. Sebagai orang tua dari dua orang anak saya sempat tergoda untuk memasukkan anak saya ke program sekolah akselerasi. Perhitungan bahwa anak-anak akan lebih cepat meraih gelarnya, menyelesaikan sekolah di usia muda dan perhitungan biaya pendidikan yang dapat dihemat. Saya sempat membicarakan hal ini dengan keluarga dan berdiskusi dengan anak-anak saya. Sepertinya Lebih cepat lebih baik itu menjadi prioritas pertimbangan kami. Perjalanan hidup ini memang aneh, campur tangan Tuhan tidak dapat dielakkan dalam kehidupan. Saat saya siap untuk memasukkan anak-anak ke program akselerasi, suami saya mendapat tugas ke luar negeri, sehingga anak-anak harus mengikut...

The last lesson from my dad

It was September 15, 1995 when I was shocked to hear the news that my dad passed away in Innsbruck, Austria. It was my dad’s last travel. He actually still had many plans to travel with me. I asked God,” Why God? I still need him as my dad. I still want to hear his story and I still need his love around me” I tried to understand there was God’s will and I tried to accept there would be a beautiful plan from God behind that bitterness. That was the hardest things in my life. My heart kept denying that my dad has gone. While I grieved about my dad, I actually found a great wisdom from my dad. People who came to his funeral brought stories about my dad. Simple story I would never forget there was a lot of cake during the funeral ceremony and I didn’t order for that kind of cake. I asked around who bought those cakes. None from my family ordered those cakes. I thought there was a mistake. I was about to return those cakes. A simple old woman came and said in her teary eyes, “Those cakes ar...

Selagi masih ada waktu

Kematian Michael Jackson yang mendadak, mengejutkan dunia dan seolah-olah waktu terhenti sejenak. Berita seputar kenangan Michael Jackson yang terus menerus seolah ingin membangkitkan kembali kehidupan Michael di hati pengemarnya. Ungkapan kesedihan yang tak rela melepaskan kepergian Michael Jackson seakan berkata Michael terlalu muda untuk meninggalkan dunia, Michael seharusnya masih mampu berkarya bagi dunia yang ditinggalkannya. Semua itu terhenti karena waktu. Seringkali kita merasa terkejut atas kehilangan mendadak, suatu tokoh setenar Michael Jackson. Beberapa tahun lalu dunia pun gempar ketika Lady Diana meninggal dalam kecelakaan mobil. Berita itu menjadi buah bibir setiap orang. Sesungguhnya siapapun di antara kita akan pergi meninggalkan semua yang kita miliki. Waktu yang tidak kita ketahui itu akan datang. Dan dalam hidup orang tidak menyadari betapa berharganya waktu. Kadangkala kita membaca ungkapan, seandainya waktu dapat di putar kembali, seandainya masih ada waktu. Sean...