A dad without LOVE
Mahatma Gandhi said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong” I should write this article two or three years ago, however I never forget the story but I didn't really spend time to write this. Two days ago I had a conversation with young man, he shared me a story and it reminded me to write this article. Here is the story: His name is Jeff; I met him a couple years ago in the bakery where I used to buy bread for my family. The first time I met him, he asked me many question about the hospitality of his staffs and their service. I loved to give him inputs for his team. He was so happy and he recognized me as one regular customer. Jeff treated all his customers very well. It was easy to recognize him as the man with a big smile One day I visited the shop and Jeff wasn't there. One of his staffs told me that Jeff’s father passed away so he couldn't come. I sent him my deep condolence message. Two days later he called me a...