A “dollar bill” Silver anniversary
People told me to celebrate my 25 th wedding anniversary as a big celebration. I wonder what actually we need to celebrate? This is actually the accumulation of years that a couple has been through together. This is not to celebrate the love, the sweetness or the happiest moments in that marriage life. I think it is more into celebration of the pain, the fights, the bitterness and ups and downs in life during those years. We celebrate that we could bear together “ For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer ” that is one of the commitment sentence in the wedding vow Yes … that is all about marriage … Funny that in the vow they only mention “ for better, not for the best … for worse, not for the worse, for richer, not the richest, … for poorer, not for the poorest ” All make sense for me, because it is easier to promise one level higher condition than the reality itself. It is already hard for us to accept or to adjust when everything not as good as...