Do it for fun ...

She said,”Mom, I don’t want to compete again” I said,”Please do it for fun” And she won the second place for International speech contest and table topics contest in the Club. She had to compete in the Area level She came to me and said,”Mom, may I just do one contest category? And let someone replace me for table topics contest” I said, “Sure” I came home late a day before the contest and she came to me and asked, “Mom please read my speech drafts” I read and said,”I think I love your idea about International women’s day” Without complaining, she wrote her speech ... about Women And once again she said, “I compete not to win the contest but to share the message to respect women because what women can do in this world” I said,”Yes....... just do it for fun” Yesterday ... She won the second place for International speech contest in the area. Parenting is not to force our children to do something that they don’t like ... but to encourage them to use their talents to exp...